Today I had some more training for my new job! I start on June 22 and I'm really hoping to work with 2nd and 3rd graders. So training usually consists of listening to a lot of different scenarios and stories and trying to remember all of the rules that the Y has. Did you know that I'm not allowed to remove a splinter for a kid? There are just some very random rules that I would never think about. But there's also a lot more than that. I've always known that I've been sheltered and I pretty much live in a bubble of sorts. I really want to break that bubble this summer. Tear down the walls and all that good stuff. But I'm so scared (maybe that's too strong a word) that I won't be a good leader/counselor/etc to the kids that come. Not to go by stereotypes and what not but we have been told many times that some of the kids we are watching are already involved with gangs, have seen gang violence happen, have seen other violence happen, can be extremely disrespectful, etc. I don't want to be the counselor that just comes in and tells these kids that everything is just fine... when it obviously isn't. But I have no experience in this. I can't draw on past experiences here. I'm just praying that God will use me in some way this summer, that He will give me guidance when I need it (all the time), and wisdom and words (may they be few) for my kids. So your prayers would be greatly appreciated.
But not all of my thoughts about this summer are worries. We are trying to make summer day camp have more of a "real camp" feel this year. You know, where you sing lots of songs and have a team cabin name and cheer and what not. I love doing songs with the group. Well actually, sometimes I'm a little intimidated doing songs in my training group for two reasons. 1.) Let's face it. I'm not really black (sorry if I fooled you the past 4-6 yrs) so while I do have rhythm it just doesn't compare to the many (real) black people in the group when we put our own (appropriate) moves into the songs. 2. I really do love singing/dancing to camp songs and most of the other people don't seem to enjoy it as much. Jillian = big dork. No surprises there.
Here's one example of a camp song.
Wishy Washy Washer WomanSuper cool right? But seriously, we should sing some camp songs together. It's soooo much fun! Much more fun when you get into it. We should all do one similar to
THIS together. Please?
This is a long post, or at least it feels like a longer one. Sorry I hadn't posted in a while. I have two more pieces of small news.
Uno: That's right! I managed to snag that beauty!
Dos: my family got a freaking SWEEEEET trampoline! You are all welcome to come and jump on it. I've even put a blanket and pillow on it and read a book. It was very nice.