Monday, September 24, 2007

Life in SD

So I don't want to become a dead friend so here's a funny Will Ferrell video. Skip ahead to about 7:27... that's the funny Spartan skit. I don't know what the beginning skit is.

I do have things to say but I don't have time for a long update. So just know that I miss you all and I hope you are having fun!

You might want to rethink that Dungeon and Dragon club. You might turn into this guy... :P


Anonymous said...

I've seen this before. It's definitely funny. Will Farrell in his prime days. He's still pretty funny too. =)

Anonymous said...

No, there's an even worst video for Dungeons and Dragon people. Look up "fear of girls".

Padfoot240 said...

Pft, I'll be sure my boots of escape can run at least at mach 4 power. Then I'll make sure my armor can repeal any type of gunpowder projectile with the power of Thor!

rebekah said...

Yay! New post!

How's it in sunny San Diego?