Saturday, March 08, 2008

Who Am I?

I'm back from Maui safe and sound! Our flight was delayed so we actually got home at midnight instead of 10pm. On the way home we stopped by In N Out for some food and Luke was so tired it took him a good minute to figure out how to eat. He just looked at his burger. It was so funny.

Spring break was a lot of fun. It was filled with surfing (on tiny waves), ziplining, sunning, swimming, horseback riding, and weird dreams. I can almost guarantee that almost everyone was in at least one of my dreams.

There's not a lot to say right now. Tiredness has started to sink in, although Kevin's recordings of the guys playing video games is pretty funny. It's always funny to hear Cory yelling at Kevin and Dan. And hear Sunada yelling and Dan killing himself a lot. Awesome.

The one and only picture I have of all of us on the beach.

1 comment:

Padfoot240 said...

Your dad has a su-weet hat.