Monday, October 22, 2007


SO currently there are over 10 wildfires blazing crazily in the San Diego County. At least 3 of them are out of control. It's super scary to see them, Candyce and I watched CNN and saw the fire in Irvine. It's really horrible because over 90 no 112 nope 150+ members of faculty and staff have been affected by the evacuations and I know for a fact that some students here have already lost their house. We don't have classes tomorrow, but it's hard to enjoy when I know that so many people are suffering.

Please pray for everyone affected by the fire!


Andrew Robinson said...

For some reason, I read Kevin's post mentioning the fires and just ignored it, then I read your post and now I'm kind of concerned.

Have you ever seen Just Like Heaven?

I haven't, I'm debating whether or not I should.

cristina said...

i've been thinking of you jillian!
turns out smokey the bear was wrong... we can't prevent fires.

i hope things get better, i hear the wind is supposed to die down

hoping and praying!

Padfoot240 said...

Here is to hoping you'll be safe till the fires are 100% contained.

I'm also glad you aren't a dead blog friend. You cut it quite close...

Anonymous said...

Freaking fires! At least it's not as smoky or ashy as before.

J said...

Wow, Aunt Bonnie told me about that when she was here. Definitely in our prayers!

justineeee said...

jillian! i miss you and you need to update... tee hee.

rebekah said...

That's right-- FUNK dance!! I would have joined too but I didn't want her to look bad...

hee hee

Update, s'il vous plait! (That's "por favor" to you)

Andrew Robinson said...

Unfortunately, not yet. I put it on my netflix queue, but it hasn't worked it's way up to number one yet.

Besides, and I still can't believe this, I haven't seen Sleepless in Seattle yet.

I know, I'm ashamed of me too.