Saturday, November 10, 2007

No parkin' baby...

Holy moly, the past couple of weeks have been so crazy!! There has been so much going on! And I have an 8-10 page paper due on Wednesday and I have my muscle practical (where I'm responsible for knowing almost every muscle in the human body) on Tuesday. Oh yes. Fun stuff, right?
Volleyball season is also almost over. We have what could possibly be our last game of the season on Tuesday against Concordia at Concordia. We had our last home game on Saturday so it was also the day that we recognized all of the seniors on the team. I was crying and I'm only a freshman so I haven't even known these seniors for a whole year. But if you met any of them you would love them. But anyways... you have no idea who those people are so this must be intensely boring for you. :)
Has anyone else registered for their classes yet?? It was one of the most stressful things ever. I was freaking out! I had a really late registration time so what seemed like a million other freshman were able to steal that classes I wanted away from me. So I checked the classes that I wanted about a half hour before my registration time begins only to find that all of the classes I wanted were taken, the other classes were filling up fast, and that had to rearrange my entire schedule in a half hour and try to make it work while also managing to steer clear of all the professors that I knew I didn't want thanks to So I was late to small group (my leader was completely fine with it, she told a tale of her own horror stories) and I registered in the beginning of my chemistry lab. Seriously, some of the people here are pretty cool. And I'm sure that there are many people at your college who are pretty cool. It's just an awesome world that God has made!!!
I had a point when I started this post but I think I lost it when I started randomly bustin out some dance moves to my iTunes. Riiiiiiight. But at least I'm not in danger of being a dead friend!
Happy Sunday everyone and have an incredible week!!!!

... no parkin' on the dance floor!


cristina said...

hey jillian... for your muscle practical, walk up to your prof and just flex your right arm, point to it and say "guns"... i hear you automatically get a 110% on your exam.

rebekah said...

I feel your pain with the whole registering thing. GROSS!!

Good luck with volleyball!!!!!! Miss you, Jillian!

rebekah said...

Oh. And to answer your/my question, I would either choose the view out my own window at home in California, or else perhaps a view of Le Tour Eiffel.


Sarah said...

I had the same thing for registering.. it sucks sooo bad. i had to take an entirely different bio class and i had to petition to get into my math class which i did get into thank God. love ya!

justineeee said...

eeeek. the 8-10 page paper makes me want to cry for you.

shizdog said...

Hey illian!
We're working with a website called quixtar to help them gain more business, and we might have a way for you to make some extra money.

Do you still want his number? Actually... if you get this... just call me back. I was in training before so I couldn't make the calls myself but I can now.


Cory said...

I'm barely going to register for my next classes now. no fun.

justineeee said...

ah jillian. i cannot wait to see you in... only a FEW days!!!

assuming that you want to see me, of course...