Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So I've got this feeling...

this lovin' feelin'. Hahaha no I'm just kidding. I actually almost feel like I'm back in senior year at the very end when I didn't want to do any work at all. And I felt burnt out. Luckily I don't feel really burnt out, I just don't want to do any work! I'm getting so lazy! And it's worse than high school because I actually have a lot of time to be lazy now that volleyball is over. I start at 8:30 most mornings and I'm done by 1:20 on T-W-F. On Monday I'm done at 12 and Thursdays just suck. But I'm having major post-Thanksgiving-itis. Maybe all that tryptophan is stuck in my system in large quantities. So I'm trying step it up and finish strong.
My exam schedule is pretty nice. I wish I were done on Tuesday (which could have been a reality) but as it is I have an exam on M-W-F. Nothing on Tuesday or Thursday. So I can't really complain. And I won't! :)
As we start to make plans to see each other over Christmas break I am getting increasingly excited. I really can't wait to see you all. Be prepared for some of the biggest, most awkward hugs of your life. Be ready.
Here's something I learned in anatomy today. A lot of times when someone has a spinal injury i.e. a football player who got tackled by the Hulk, they are paralyzed. Doctors tell the patient that they don't know if the paralysis is temporary or permanent. They have to say this. When a spinal cord injury occurs that means that a lot of spinal cells are now dead, meaning they have ruptured and spilled potassium (K+) into the body. Until the body cleans up all the excess potassium there can be no action potential in the cells and therefore no movement. So the doctors have to wait for your body to clean up before they can accurately tell if someone is going to be permanently paralyzed. Isn't that cool????


cristina said...

i am extremely fascinated by the whole paralyzed potassium spill thing.
and i am extremely excited for a super big hug from jillian when i come home.
fo' sho'

and if you buy the tickets, i'll bring the gun show.

Padfoot240 said...

I always wondered why some were temporary and some weren't

Now I know.

Sarah said...

hahahaha you are a nerd... but i understand what you are saying which makes me a nerd as well. i must get a giant jillian-bear hug from you when i get back!