Tuesday, August 11, 2009

GAME Night!!!!

I was just thinking about yawning... random, I know. But I found a page full of random yawning facts and/or theories about yawning. Scientists have yet to figure out the real reason for us yawning. The article didn't mention this but did you know that many Olympics athletes yawn right before their event? Pretty sure it's not because they are tired.

Read it HERE

What's my favorite quote from this article? Good question. It is this:

"Wackiest theory award: it’s been suggested that yawning may cool off the brain. Prescription: if you yawn a lot, try thinking less. You is overheating the motherboard."



Cory said...

haha you didn't even mention the game night in this post at all.

rebekah said...

I think it's because the athletes are nervous and they need oxygen in their brainssssssssss. :)

AND you are in San Diego already!! :-( (crying face) I miss youuuuuu!! :(