Monday, October 12, 2009

It hurts...

to type. And write. AND MOOOOOVE. Luckily a small build-up of lactic acid in my muscles won't kill me. Saturday morning I played beach volleyball with a group of girls from last year's volleyball team. It was the first time I had actually exercised since I "fractured" my ankle this summer. It was terribly tiring, very hard, but so much fun!! Feeling "the burn" afterwards only makes it THAT much better. Is that weird?
In news actually related to my life... life is going super duper right now. Do y'all remember reading in English class about the gods who controlled the fates of people? And how they believed that good fortune happened at the top of the wheel but soon enough the gods would spin the wheel and you would end up on the bottom? Obviously, I don't believe all that nonsense but to put it metaphorically it seems as though I am near the top of the wheel just waiting to plummet. Of course not everything is good but a lot of stuff is.
This year is so different and so much less stressful than last year! I am actually enjoying school AND hanging out with friends and making lots of new ones. And having really silly roommate escapades that involve staying up late, Mulan II (OH HECK YES), a freezer, and pictures. It wouldn't be very funny if I explained it, trust me.
I would like to ask for your prayers right now also. We just had a student ministries chapel and there is a medical mission team and it struck a chord with me. Working in the health clinic has really opened my eyes and made me step out of my comfort zone and I can't help but wonder if God was trying to say something to me. I almost skipped chapel this morning and slept in but I woke up early and decided to just go anyways even though I don't have class until after chapel. And then in Life of Holiness we talked about how Jesus showed us a bent-down love (if anyone wants to know what I mean by that PLEASE ask me. It's a super good book) and humbly serves even though He IS the son of God and we should be serving him.
I would continue but I have class in a few minutes. See ya on the flip side!


Padfoot240 said...

Mulan II was terrible.

It's got nothing on Mulan.

Cory said...

I know what you mean about the whole ankle thing. Recovering from my injury inspired me to get into to better shape. I think I'm keeping up with it pretty well. It's a good feeling. I'm glad things are going well on your end though. That's awesome that God's opening your eyes to opportunities where you can serve. Lord knows we need a good super nurse every where!