Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It's finally time to dust the cobwebs off this blog, kick start the engine, and get it crankin' again.
A nice overview:
- Last semester was hands down the best semester I have had yet. There were still rough patches and areas that I wasn't happy with, but for the most part it was great. And that will continue this semester.
- The more time I spend in the ICU the more I love it and my clinical instructor/professor said I had all the qualities of an ICU nurse. However my specialty is still undecided.
- Can anyone say first semester of all A's??!?!?!?!?!

- Since volleyball wasn't consuming my life like it had for the first two years, finally some new friends came along.
- Those friends mentioned previously ^ are bomb-diggity, a ton of fun to hang out with, and excellent listeners/advice-givers, shoulders to cry on, etc.
- Game/movie nights/hang out times during Christmas break = SOOOOO GOOOOOOD.
- David... soooooooooo good :) I was honestly never into the mushy-gushy oh-my-boyfriend-is-so-amazing crap (and I'm apologizing now)... but he is amazing. You don't want to hear me gush. Trust me.
- One of my roommates (that I was close to) is going to Malta for spring semester, which of course meant a teary goodbye at the airport.
- There were definitely some roommate issues last semester and I'm pretty sure they will continue this semester. PLEASE pray for patient and wisdom for my house (in SD). We will need lots of help.

- Some of you may or may not know that Liv has been having a lot of health/mental issues. She's been seeing a psychiatrist and doctors. She has a lot of OCD tendencies, separation issues, and weird health quirks (like a dry cough every 20 seconds that she can't seem to control, sore rib, stomach pains...). As of now it looks like her left sinus is completely blocked, which could explain many of her symptoms. The OCD stuff... my Mom had the same thing as a kid so we're just praying that she grows out of it. Prayers for Liv would be LOVELY!
- Praise the Lord! My mom just went through ACL surgery to repair a completely torn ACL and to repair both of her meniscus (menisci?). She's currently sitting in the recliner across from me.
- My Dad's business did well this past year. YAY!!!!

Jesus (pronounced Heh-Sooz, if that makes sense)
- I took a class this semester called Life of Holiness with Dr. Lodahl. It was one of the best classes I have taken at Point Loma. There was reading, quizzes, papers, and tests... but this class was mainly discussion. And discussion = AWESOME sauce. And this class wasn't afraid to talk about "taboo" topics and neither was the professor.
- More than ever I am convinced that almost nothing is black and white. There are SO MANY gray areas in this world. And thinking that doesn't make me a weak person.
- This will sound weird... but the Kingdom is here NOW. Which means that NOW is the time to act.

Next semester is coming up on Monday. NOOOOOOOO! Let's hope we survive!


1 comment:

Cory said...

I was wondering when you'd remember you had a blog. Sheesh! Anywho, I like the new layout. Good New Years post! We better have some more good times before school starts again.