Sunday, April 11, 2010

"I will swat the flies..... that are your BS"

"There comes a point in your life when you get tired of fixing everything and trying to make everyone happy. When you finally decide to quit, it's NOT giving up. It's realizing you don't need certain people and the bullshit they bring in to your life."

Well hello there Grey's Anatomy quote. It's literally perfect for describing my rooming situation. As of May 12th I am FREEEEEE!

Here comes another list because my brain is too pooped to do anything else:

1. Only 30 more days of school (including weekends and finals). Not that I'm counting or anything.
2. I have two 10+ page papers (nursing and sociology), a 3 page bible paper, 8 chapters of reading, a case study to prepare and present, one write-up, one grad check appointment, and one leadership paper to do. All due on or before Monday. FML.
3. I have eaten more candy in the past 3 days than should be legally allowed.
4. This really should be number one... but I miss David. All. the. freaking. time.
5. Can you get senioritis when you're a junior? Because my mind is completely beyond focusing and if you read #2 above you can see why that is a BIG problem.
6. I am stressing about graduating on time. However, that is not in my hands anymore.
7. What? Shiny?
8. God is good. All the time.

What can I do about all of this RIGHT NOW at this moment? Put my head down and work hard. Pray. Don't forget to schedule in fun. Get through the last THIRTY days of escuela. And remember, it will all be just fine in the end.


Cory said...

That's an awesome title for a blog entry. Anyway, keep up the good work! You are almost there, and gloating rights will be yours since you'll be out of school and I won't. Stay strong and end the year right. GAME FACE, BRO!

rebekah said...

I love you, Jillian! You can do it... yes, yes you can! ;)