Saturday, April 28, 2007

JSB 2007!!!

Hey y'all. How much fun was JSB!? It was awesome!
Unfortunately my mom seems to have a problem with picture taking so most of my photos are blurry. I'm depending on you guys for some photos!!

Two of the coolest people.

AKA Kevin and me. :)

The Boutonniere Battle.
I lost.
I stole this one from Stina.

The coolest girls ever!!



Anonymous said...

2 of the coolest people my butt. I'm cooler than you two combined...and more. =DDDDD

Thanks for letting us congregate at your house!

Padfoot240 said...

Two of the coolest people, Jillian and I.

shizdog said...

Hooray for JSB.

Gym tomorrow night still? Yes? I'm feeling flabby.

Amy said...

your pictures are great! you and paddy looked like you were having fun. where can i see some more pictures? by the way, it was nice to see you at paddy's party yesterday! hope to see more of you :-)

shizdog said...

Actually Jillian, I kinda have a BIG problem with you too.

See... You sorta beat me at darts last night and I'm still a little bitter. Haha.

Kristen said...

Yay for JSB!!!