Wow, the week before Thanksgiving break is so dang busy!! Every single teacher wants to cram in a lovely test before the break. I even had four tests in ONE day and tomorrow I have THREE. I know you are only allowed to have two a day but somehow I end up having more than that everyday. But I can't really complain because I'd rather take them now instead of after break.
And chapel today was really cool. It was also a bit awkward at times because our school is so white. It's not a good or bad thing, it is what it is. We don't get up and dance in the aisles or echo every "Hallelujah" or "Amen" that is said. There were times where I felt like being louder, but I fell into the peer pressure because those sitting around me were quiet. It would have been a lot more fun if I could have stood up.
Anyways this post is going to be short because I am actually procrastinating. Big suprise I know. But if everyone who reads this could pray for a woman I know (she is like my grandma) named Rose that would be much appreciated. She was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. She is having emergency surgery soon, but they don't think it will help much. It has been a hard road for her lately and I know her family is having a hard time processing the news. They could all use prayer during this time.

I hated the music, but enjoyed chapel.
Prayers for sure!
I have a friend who goes to a different school and on an off day and her teachers gave her 6 hours of homework. She's only a couple years older than me! That was crazy.
I hate taking tests after break, I forget everything!
I'm not loud during service either. It's not lack of enthusiasm for Christ but just choice not to be...loud.
I am so sorry for her. She is in our prayers. My Grandpa is fighting his 3rd round of cancer so I understand.
11.19.06!!! The WII! I am sooo excited. It's all over my binder at school. LOL
Looking forward to your next post!
Rose is in our prayers.
sorry to hear about Rose. she is being prayed for. was your date today?? :-)
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