Monday, December 25, 2006

Static and Christmas

There is now a new reason to fear a car. This reason may shock, awe, and/or scare you. Not only could a car run over you, your bike, and your fat cat, now many cars have been shocking you as you get out of your car. Every single time I exit my car I flinch at the thought of having to touch my car with my bare, shockable hand.
Most of the time I do the patented tushy-close but sometimes I get the high and mighty feeling and reach for the car with my hand. It is usually a mistake and I end up being shocked by the car. Again. And again.
It has gotten to the point where I touch any car like it might be burning hot.
Last night was Christmas Eve and it was amazingly fun. We went over to a friend's house for a party and opened a few presents. I got a DVD and some lip gloss that tastes really yummy but my favorite present was a devotional book for each day of the year. I'm pretty excited to start reading it. Maybe I'll share a couple of days with everyone who knows me.
AND in some big huge enormous crazy awesome fantastic fabulous news I cleaned my room yesterday! And we aren't talking the typical make-the-bed-and-throw-the-trash-under-the-bed stuff. We are talkin the full monty here. Cleaned my closet, the drawers under my closet, the drawers under my window seat, cleared my desk out, and took my "nightstand" outside to be taken away. It was tiring but the results are so worth it. Now my sister can't tell me my room smells anymore! Yay!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16


Padfoot240 said...

Maybe if you treated your car better it wouldn't shock you
Merry Christmas

Amy said...

you know what, when i was in peru i got shocked every single time i got out of a taxi. it was ridiculous. i feel your pain.