Anyways. My vacation with the family was fun. We went to Sequoia and stayed at the Sequoia-Montecito Lodge and it was a lot of fun. The first night we were there we stayed in a cabin with NO HEATER. Yes I have many good stories about the cold... but I'd much rather tell them in person. It's just better. Let me just say we had one wood burning stove (that took forever to heat up) and the temperature was about 10 degrees F.
But the people there were amazing and very friendly. It feels like one big family there. Many nights I was able to go downstairs to the lodge and sit by the fire and read while games were going on. AND a lot of the staff were very cute. And they were all from different parts of the world. Very cool.
Christmas was also awesome. I'm spoiled (I know that) and it was a spoiled day. I snuck into bed with my parents on Christmas Eve. Actually I didn't sneak in. It's tradition.
Here's some photos of Sequoia.

And amazingly I climbed up that mountain in snowshoes. I also X-C skied and snowboarded. And yes I fell a lot. Not only on my bottom but pretty much everywhere. It was awesome.
And I have some other cool pictures. Mostly of scenery, but there is one good one of our (my mom and me) snowy smackdown. :) Pictures
Isn't it amazing how cool nature is? It sounds a little corny I suppose, but it's true.
Happy New Year y'all!
That is SO awesome! I'm glad you had a great Christmas vacation! Mt. Sequoyah looks beautiful!
Ur cuz,
HA! You don't know cold. Sleeping in a tent in snow with no fire is cold.
Nature is amazing
I LOVE JOHN DONNE! I wrote a worship song once using the words from that sonnet.
Oh my gosh, that is so sad!
Luckily I bought my Wii.
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