I can't put together a post that makes sense right now.
Second semester is going to be a lot of work.
College is starting to make me nervous.
Yay for meatball sandwiches!
All you need is your own imagination
So use it that's what it's for.
Go inside, for your finest inspiration
Your dreams will open the door.
Vogue by Madonna
So long, they tried to tell you that you don't belong.
So, I guess we'll have to prove them wrong.
Pretty soon we'll hear them sing a long.
Last Call by Mae
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Hitch the Guardian and Release
Tomorrow morning when I want breakfast I am going to have to walk through the twin's room, through my parents bathroom, through the den, outside into the cold and run my freezing self through the garage to the kitchen. That's the only way to get to the kitchen now since we are renovating our kitchen. I got to help knock down walls which was a great way to let loose some aggression. Something about swinging a huge metal hammer into a wall... it's just cool. :) I'll post some pictures later when I take some.
Anyways my Dad and I watched The Guardian last night and it was super super good. I cried a little. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. If you want to borrow it, I have it and I would be more than happy to lend it to you. And at 4:15 Shi, Rebekah, Kristen, and I saw Catch and Release which was completely different than The Guardian but just as good. It doesn't hurt that the leading men were (are) adorable. What I don't understand however is why people (unmarried people) are always having sex in movies. Knock it off! Geez.
Catch and Release
The Guardian
Anyways my Dad and I watched The Guardian last night and it was super super good. I cried a little. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. If you want to borrow it, I have it and I would be more than happy to lend it to you. And at 4:15 Shi, Rebekah, Kristen, and I saw Catch and Release which was completely different than The Guardian but just as good. It doesn't hurt that the leading men were (are) adorable. What I don't understand however is why people (unmarried people) are always having sex in movies. Knock it off! Geez.

Friday, January 26, 2007
Edit: A- on my calculus exam! Missed 11 points. :)
Congratulations Seniors, first semester is finally over! Now the challenge will be keeping Senioritis from come (or from taking over completely). I did well in all my finals, anywhere from an A to a B+, except in physics where I got a C+. What the heck? I thought I aced that sucker.
Yesterday to celebrate the end of the first semester we all went to Hof's Hut (Rebekah :), Jenny, Stina, Shi, Ester, Jim, Kristen, Sarah, and me). It was so much fun. We had straw-wrapper fights and I [tried] to throw some over to the next booth at Hannah and two other people. They thought it was Jim and retaliated by throwing some unopened jelly packs at him. And then they told our waiter it was his birthday so Jim was treated to a lovely mini chocolate cake that looked delicious.
And TODAY a bunch of us went to Manhattan Beach to have some fun. First at Stina's house we saw Mr. Dejager (what a cutie!). Then we ate a Deli Boys and played Frisbee on the beach, and laughed at Shiloh trying to play frisbee on the beach. ;) We also went shopping! And I actually bought a really pretty green shirt and I can't wait to wear it somewhere. Yay!
And Shiloh and I went to the Cypress gym tonight! That gym is really nice, much nicer than the one right next to my house. That was fun for me, and hopefully fun for Shi. How's the butt feeling Shi? Wait... which butt? Hahahaha... that came from something stupid that I said.
Anyways, yay for second semester!! Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic weekend!
Philippians 1:3
Congratulations Seniors, first semester is finally over! Now the challenge will be keeping Senioritis from come (or from taking over completely). I did well in all my finals, anywhere from an A to a B+, except in physics where I got a C+. What the heck? I thought I aced that sucker.
Yesterday to celebrate the end of the first semester we all went to Hof's Hut (Rebekah :), Jenny, Stina, Shi, Ester, Jim, Kristen, Sarah, and me). It was so much fun. We had straw-wrapper fights and I [tried] to throw some over to the next booth at Hannah and two other people. They thought it was Jim and retaliated by throwing some unopened jelly packs at him. And then they told our waiter it was his birthday so Jim was treated to a lovely mini chocolate cake that looked delicious.
And TODAY a bunch of us went to Manhattan Beach to have some fun. First at Stina's house we saw Mr. Dejager (what a cutie!). Then we ate a Deli Boys and played Frisbee on the beach, and laughed at Shiloh trying to play frisbee on the beach. ;) We also went shopping! And I actually bought a really pretty green shirt and I can't wait to wear it somewhere. Yay!
And Shiloh and I went to the Cypress gym tonight! That gym is really nice, much nicer than the one right next to my house. That was fun for me, and hopefully fun for Shi. How's the butt feeling Shi? Wait... which butt? Hahahaha... that came from something stupid that I said.
Anyways, yay for second semester!! Good luck to everyone and have a fantastic weekend!
Philippians 1:3
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Our group was just talking about the show 24 and I saw an article in the "news" about the show and the war on terrorism. I didn't really get it since I don't watch the show, but I thought it was interesting anyways.
24/Terrorism Article
And my "grandma" just had surgery to try and remove all of the cancer (she has breast cancer). Unfortunately more of her lymph nodes were affected than they had originally thought. The surgery was pretty extensive but she should be coming home tomorrow and starting chemo soon. Prayers would be much appreciated.
24/Terrorism Article
And my "grandma" just had surgery to try and remove all of the cancer (she has breast cancer). Unfortunately more of her lymph nodes were affected than they had originally thought. The surgery was pretty extensive but she should be coming home tomorrow and starting chemo soon. Prayers would be much appreciated.

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Screw the Cavaliers
Okay, Carpe Diem stays. It just sums up everything I believe so well. Not the sex stuff (duh) but that life is an amazing gift and is too precious to waste.
However I am wasting time RIGHT NOW. This post is happening because I am desperately trying to think of something to do so I don't have to study. I'm even thinking about cleaning my room. **gasp** I know, I know. It's just crazy. Monday is AP English and Physics, Tuesday is Economics and Spanish, Wednesday is Environmental Science, and Friday is Calculus.
Right now I wish I could just eat the papers and have them memorized. It could be a different form of osmosis. I could eat them with some water and the water could take the ink and lead and transfer it to my brain. Now you really know how much I don't want to study.
Anyways I took my little cousin to church with me today. My parents and the twins are in Palm Springs so it was just us. It was fun, she behaved herself and she didn't even fall asleep. The message was about relationships and how we have to put in the effort and take the risk. At your funeral, your family won't want to focus on the material possessions you accumulated. They will most likely want to focus on two things: the quality of your character and the quality of your relationships. That's what it comes down to. It definitely made me think about my own relationships with my friends and family. During my first years at Valley I wasn't willing to risk getting hurt. I didn't want to really be myself or make really close friends because I was afraid to let people in. I knew from experience that those closest to you can turn against you way too fast. But halfway through junior year I think God woke me up. I can't shut myself away, people need other people to talk to. It's a fact. I still like to be by myself and read a good book, but now it is just as much fun to be with those that I love. I love my friends! You guys are awesome.
Much love and luck on finals. We can all pass math!!!!!!!!!!
However I am wasting time RIGHT NOW. This post is happening because I am desperately trying to think of something to do so I don't have to study. I'm even thinking about cleaning my room. **gasp** I know, I know. It's just crazy. Monday is AP English and Physics, Tuesday is Economics and Spanish, Wednesday is Environmental Science, and Friday is Calculus.
Right now I wish I could just eat the papers and have them memorized. It could be a different form of osmosis. I could eat them with some water and the water could take the ink and lead and transfer it to my brain. Now you really know how much I don't want to study.
Anyways I took my little cousin to church with me today. My parents and the twins are in Palm Springs so it was just us. It was fun, she behaved herself and she didn't even fall asleep. The message was about relationships and how we have to put in the effort and take the risk. At your funeral, your family won't want to focus on the material possessions you accumulated. They will most likely want to focus on two things: the quality of your character and the quality of your relationships. That's what it comes down to. It definitely made me think about my own relationships with my friends and family. During my first years at Valley I wasn't willing to risk getting hurt. I didn't want to really be myself or make really close friends because I was afraid to let people in. I knew from experience that those closest to you can turn against you way too fast. But halfway through junior year I think God woke me up. I can't shut myself away, people need other people to talk to. It's a fact. I still like to be by myself and read a good book, but now it is just as much fun to be with those that I love. I love my friends! You guys are awesome.
Much love and luck on finals. We can all pass math!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Carpe Diem?
First of all... today was awesome. I'll post later as to why, but I have to say that I'm thinking about changing my blog name. Carpe Diem. Those of you in AP English, think about the poems we are reading right now. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about they were written by men who were trying to tell women that we are all going to die soon, so carpe diem! and sleep with them.
Not exactly the point I'm trying to make.
Anyways, it will probably come from a John Donne poem, and I know I have you tense with anticipation. Whatever you do, just remember to breathe. Breathe in... breathe out.
Not exactly the point I'm trying to make.
Anyways, it will probably come from a John Donne poem, and I know I have you tense with anticipation. Whatever you do, just remember to breathe. Breathe in... breathe out.

Monday, January 15, 2007
Children of Men
Today (Tuesday) I answered the door in my pink cookie pajama pants, a blue flannel pajama top with doggies on it, and my monkey slippers. Yes, I know I have style.
It was actually pretty fun. Reminds me of my grocery-shopping-in-pajamas days. Which was only a week or two ago.
Today was such a great day! I had a volleyball tournament in San Diego (where the temperature was a crisp 24 degrees) on Saturday and Sunday. So today was great because I was able to sleep in until 9:06 am. It was amazing! I think I set some kind of sleeping in record. Today was also much better than Sunday. On Sunday I was wayyy thankful for chicken pie dinners and 30 minute music sweeps.
But today I woke up and found chocolate milk in our fridge! Right then I knew that Monday was officially a "good day". Then I washed my soon-to-not-be-mine Trooper and taped two FOR SALE signs in it and drove it to the gym parking lot. All of you who go to the 24 Hour Fitness on Bellflower and Spring can drop by and say hello. I'm going tomorrow. Let's have a party!
Speaking of parties, Sarah, Stina, Shi, Kristen, and I had a party today. Everyone else missed out. We saw Children of Men and then went to Starbuck's and chit-chatted. AND I found out that Mrs. Fieldhouse is pregnant!!!! YAY!!!!! I'm super super super excited for her. She has one big hug coming.
I'm in a reflective mood right now. You would think that having said that I would share some profound thought I have had. But I won't.
But I am excited for Tuesday!! Let's all wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow. By the grace of God we RISE!
Listen to this: This is My World - Darius Rucker
Today (Tuesday) I answered the door in my pink cookie pajama pants, a blue flannel pajama top with doggies on it, and my monkey slippers. Yes, I know I have style.
It was actually pretty fun. Reminds me of my grocery-shopping-in-pajamas days. Which was only a week or two ago.
Today was such a great day! I had a volleyball tournament in San Diego (where the temperature was a crisp 24 degrees) on Saturday and Sunday. So today was great because I was able to sleep in until 9:06 am. It was amazing! I think I set some kind of sleeping in record. Today was also much better than Sunday. On Sunday I was wayyy thankful for chicken pie dinners and 30 minute music sweeps.
But today I woke up and found chocolate milk in our fridge! Right then I knew that Monday was officially a "good day". Then I washed my soon-to-not-be-mine Trooper and taped two FOR SALE signs in it and drove it to the gym parking lot. All of you who go to the 24 Hour Fitness on Bellflower and Spring can drop by and say hello. I'm going tomorrow. Let's have a party!
Speaking of parties, Sarah, Stina, Shi, Kristen, and I had a party today. Everyone else missed out. We saw Children of Men and then went to Starbuck's and chit-chatted. AND I found out that Mrs. Fieldhouse is pregnant!!!! YAY!!!!! I'm super super super excited for her. She has one big hug coming.
I'm in a reflective mood right now. You would think that having said that I would share some profound thought I have had. But I won't.
But I am excited for Tuesday!! Let's all wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow. By the grace of God we RISE!
Listen to this: This is My World - Darius Rucker
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Da Beach
It's amazing. It feels as though the days are moving slow and fast at the same time. Craziness.
Anyways. My vacation with the family was fun. We went to Sequoia and stayed at the Sequoia-Montecito Lodge and it was a lot of fun. The first night we were there we stayed in a cabin with NO HEATER. Yes I have many good stories about the cold... but I'd much rather tell them in person. It's just better. Let me just say we had one wood burning stove (that took forever to heat up) and the temperature was about 10 degrees F.
But the people there were amazing and very friendly. It feels like one big family there. Many nights I was able to go downstairs to the lodge and sit by the fire and read while games were going on. AND a lot of the staff were very cute. And they were all from different parts of the world. Very cool.
Christmas was also awesome. I'm spoiled (I know that) and it was a spoiled day. I snuck into bed with my parents on Christmas Eve. Actually I didn't sneak in. It's tradition.
Here's some photos of Sequoia.

And amazingly I climbed up that mountain in snowshoes. I also X-C skied and snowboarded. And yes I fell a lot. Not only on my bottom but pretty much everywhere. It was awesome.
And I have some other cool pictures. Mostly of scenery, but there is one good one of our (my mom and me) snowy smackdown. :) Pictures
Isn't it amazing how cool nature is? It sounds a little corny I suppose, but it's true.
Happy New Year y'all!
Anyways. My vacation with the family was fun. We went to Sequoia and stayed at the Sequoia-Montecito Lodge and it was a lot of fun. The first night we were there we stayed in a cabin with NO HEATER. Yes I have many good stories about the cold... but I'd much rather tell them in person. It's just better. Let me just say we had one wood burning stove (that took forever to heat up) and the temperature was about 10 degrees F.
But the people there were amazing and very friendly. It feels like one big family there. Many nights I was able to go downstairs to the lodge and sit by the fire and read while games were going on. AND a lot of the staff were very cute. And they were all from different parts of the world. Very cool.
Christmas was also awesome. I'm spoiled (I know that) and it was a spoiled day. I snuck into bed with my parents on Christmas Eve. Actually I didn't sneak in. It's tradition.
Here's some photos of Sequoia.

And amazingly I climbed up that mountain in snowshoes. I also X-C skied and snowboarded. And yes I fell a lot. Not only on my bottom but pretty much everywhere. It was awesome.
And I have some other cool pictures. Mostly of scenery, but there is one good one of our (my mom and me) snowy smackdown. :) Pictures
Isn't it amazing how cool nature is? It sounds a little corny I suppose, but it's true.
Happy New Year y'all!
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