Anyways my Dad and I watched The Guardian last night and it was super super good. I cried a little. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but if you haven't seen it I highly recommend it. If you want to borrow it, I have it and I would be more than happy to lend it to you. And at 4:15 Shi, Rebekah, Kristen, and I saw Catch and Release which was completely different than The Guardian but just as good. It doesn't hurt that the leading men were (are) adorable. What I don't understand however is why people (unmarried people) are always having sex in movies. Knock it off! Geez.

oooo. i <3 renovating rooms in the house... you are so lucky!
and i know what you mean about sex before marriage in movies/tv shows. it's like the media is promoting people to have sex. :\
You should watch 24 :p
When walking to the kitchen;
Tip Toe
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