Monday, December 25, 2006
Static and Christmas
Most of the time I do the patented tushy-close but sometimes I get the high and mighty feeling and reach for the car with my hand. It is usually a mistake and I end up being shocked by the car. Again. And again.
It has gotten to the point where I touch any car like it might be burning hot.
Last night was Christmas Eve and it was amazingly fun. We went over to a friend's house for a party and opened a few presents. I got a DVD and some lip gloss that tastes really yummy but my favorite present was a devotional book for each day of the year. I'm pretty excited to start reading it. Maybe I'll share a couple of days with everyone who knows me.
AND in some big huge enormous crazy awesome fantastic fabulous news I cleaned my room yesterday! And we aren't talking the typical make-the-bed-and-throw-the-trash-under-the-bed stuff. We are talkin the full monty here. Cleaned my closet, the drawers under my closet, the drawers under my window seat, cleared my desk out, and took my "nightstand" outside to be taken away. It was tiring but the results are so worth it. Now my sister can't tell me my room smells anymore! Yay!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. -John 3:16
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Rubiks Cube
Anyways, there were some hysterical answers.
(the bold font is the username who gave an answer)
smash it
well first do the *hoky* *poky* then shake it all about. do u think that will work?
it if only takes you 4 mins, why bother?
drink a 6 pack while shuffling, after the 6 pack, try to solve it.
Oh yes there are some interesting people out there.
And Olvera St. was awesome!! Sarah, Jenny, and I had some yummy churros and we all interviewed a really cute (but completely petrified) lady. She talked so softly that I had to scoot close to pick up the sound... but it was slightly awkward because I didn't want to be in her face because she looked a little nervous.
Yay!!!! Two and 1/2 more days of school and then we are DONE until January 8th! And I get to go to the mountains!!!!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Philipians 4:8-9
Friday, December 15, 2006
For starters, I had a calculus test. That doesn't sound like fun but since I think I did good, it was FUN!!! Wooo hooo!!!
And then we had off campus lunch today. Stina, Sarah, Shiloh, Kristen, Rebekah, Jim, Justine, Kelly, Jenny, and I went to Pavilions. They have some awesome chicken noodle soup there! Mmmmmm...

It was good! Today was just a fun day.
I think the Citibank commercials are hilarious! Here's one I found on YouTube that had me laughing earlier today.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Bored before practice...
I was listening to KFI (John and Ken) and I heard something about a raid in Colorado. There were a lot of illegal immigrants working in a factory and the government heard about it and made a raid one morning. Apparently the family (also illegal) of some of the workers came to show their disapproval. One woman stood with her one-year old daughter holding a sign that said "Goodbye Daddy, I love you!" The same woman was interviewed later, she doesn't see why her husband should be sent back to Mexico. He can't send them money from Mexico, and her daughter will be losing her dad. "My daughter didn't do anything wrong, and yet she loses her father."
Ummm... actually her daddy was in the wrong. He committed identity theft to work in the factory. Go home! My goodness, this country doesn't owe you anything!!!!
On a happier, less angry note the weather (though a bit cold) has been pretty nice. We even had rain!! I love hearing it outside my window when I go to bed. It's awesome. And I need to start carrying my camera with me because the scenery is so pretty right now.

AND college applications are well over and I am just relieved. The only thing left to do is wait... and that isn't hard at all! Waiting is a good thing, just enjoy life while you wait!!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
-Philippians 4:6-7
Friday, December 08, 2006
Much Ado About Nothing
Let me explain.
Change is not something that comes easily to me. I don't know if anyone else is like that, but it is a HUGE internal struggle for me to accept change. Here are some examples. I like my bean burritos with no cheese and very little beans, I like my Beef Crunchwrap Supreme with no tomatoes, no cheese sauce, and no sour cream, and finally I used to (and sometimes still do) take the cheese and sauce off my pizza with a napkin and eat just the bread part. Oh, and I like my ham and cheese omlettes with no cheese and very little ham. I know what I want and I know what I like. I've had strange eating habits for as long as I can remember and they aren't going to change any time soon.
But this new change can really feel like a downer sometimes. And it shouldn't. It should be so completely awesome, a lot of people have already told me so. And so I feel like I'm in the wrong, I'm the one who is completely out of my mind. Even I can easily call myself crazy. But I can't shake whatever it is I'm feeling. It's hard to be honest with yourself. I guess I'm just attempting to write out my thoughts here. I really need a diary.
I feel like I'm in a Robert Frost poem. "Two roads diverged in a wood..."
But one road is being awfully unresponsive.
This post seemed like a downer and slightly annoying. But I feel better having worked some thoughts out. So here is a funny video that I found. They have other funny videos and I will be posting them here a little at a time. This is for the Lost fans.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
That is crazy! A whole nativity scene in the sand... :o
Goin to see Othello tomorrow! Yay! I like Shakespeare's writing a lot so it should be awesome.

Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
"Seriously, George, seriously!"
Oh trust me, I can take any situation and somehow put a Grey's Anatomy quote in there. I'm sure I annoy everyone I know because I constantly quote movies and Grey's. And the worst part is they usually don't know what on earth I am referring to. So I end up laughing all by myself which somehow makes it seem funnier to me. A list of quotes.
"Ferris Bueller, you're my hero."
"Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?"
"Look, it's real nice that you hope my brother is feeling better, but I'm in danger, okay? I am very cute, very alone and very protective of my body. I don't want it violated or killed, all right? I need help! Speaka de English?"
"Last thing I need at this point in my career is fifteen hundred Ferris Bueller disciples running around these halls. He jeopardizes my ability to effectively govern this student body."
"Well, makes you look like an ass is what he does, Ed."
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
"Life's a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get."
"Oh, yes sir. Bit me right in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars."
Forrest Gump
"She looks like my third grade teacher, and I hated my third grade teacher... wait a minute, she is my third grade teacher!"
"Well, how long is your program? Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were suppose to be together... and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home... only to no home I'd ever known... I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car and I knew. It was like... magic."
Sleepless in Seattle
"Austin Powers, you are very toite. Yesh, toite like a tiger!"
Goldmember: Dr. Evil, we still have the ultimate insurance policy. May I present to you, the very sexual, the very toite, Austin Power's fahza.
Dr. Evil: His what?
Number 2: His fahza, Dr. Evil.
Dr. Evil: His farger? What's a farger?
Goldmember: His fahza. You know, the fahza.
Dr. Evil: You know Goldmember, I don't speak freaky-deaky Dutch. Okay, perv boy
Goldmember: Fahza, his dad, dad is fahza.
Dr. Evil: Oh, his dad. His *fa-ther*
Austin Powers Goldmember
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Week OF Thanksgiving
As you can see I am pretty excited, even though it means I don't get to see my friends as much. We are leaving for San Diego on Friday so that will (of course) be awesome. Even though I will have to be in a car for 2 consecutive hours with my brother and sister. Eeeeek. I might slip a little NyQuil in their drink...........
And even though I originally made fun of the Wii (and people who liked them) I take it back since the thing is cool. And fun to play. My arm was actually sore from playing *cough*DOMINATING*cough* tennis. Come to think of it, my arm is STILL sore. That's just pathetic.
And I have been babysitting the twins for three days in a row. After about 3 hours on the first day I realized that when I have kids, it will be one at a time! There will be NO TWINS. It's crazy how they feed off of each other. At 18, and still pretty immature, I am not good at handling them both together.
I'd also like to ask for prayer for Rose, again, since the doctors have just confirmed that the cancer has spread to her bones and there isn't anything they can do to stop it. And prayer for me as well.
Anyways, I hope this week has been goin great for all and that everyone has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Week Before Thanksgiving
Wow, the week before Thanksgiving break is so dang busy!! Every single teacher wants to cram in a lovely test before the break. I even had four tests in ONE day and tomorrow I have THREE. I know you are only allowed to have two a day but somehow I end up having more than that everyday. But I can't really complain because I'd rather take them now instead of after break.
And chapel today was really cool. It was also a bit awkward at times because our school is so white. It's not a good or bad thing, it is what it is. We don't get up and dance in the aisles or echo every "Hallelujah" or "Amen" that is said. There were times where I felt like being louder, but I fell into the peer pressure because those sitting around me were quiet. It would have been a lot more fun if I could have stood up.
Anyways this post is going to be short because I am actually procrastinating. Big suprise I know. But if everyone who reads this could pray for a woman I know (she is like my grandma) named Rose that would be much appreciated. She was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. She is having emergency surgery soon, but they don't think it will help much. It has been a hard road for her lately and I know her family is having a hard time processing the news. They could all use prayer during this time.

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Mi Coche #2!
Recap- my car was stolen and the po-po called me to inform me that it was found in Norwalk.
So after the long and grueling SAT on Saturday, I came home excited. I was PUMPED to go and get my car. Pumped and nervous because I really didn't want to see my car with the interior ripped up and the exterior ruined. I didn't want to go inside my car and see how the inconsiderate bunghole hotwired my car.
So my dad and I drove to the police station and were told to go to the towing impound place. We go, and the place is closed! WHAT? But a rather large man told us that we could call and make an appointment to come back later the same day. All of a sudden from inside this dusty white building I hear a little kid crying. So there has to be someone in there right now. Excellent... we can get my car now! But my dad called and the man inside with his little kid said that there was nobody at the shop at that time and after my dad said he could hear him in there the man said that he would charge us $200 if we wanted to get the car now. The actual price is $43. What a little................
This is where it gets exciting.
As we were driving home my dad said he had an errand to run. Alright good for my dad. He then said that we were going to the Honda dealer. I was excited about that! My mom and I have gone twice before to test drive the Elements and get pricing and stuff. My dad and I decided to do the same. We check out the '07 models and find out that there is only one red one in stock. BAM!! CRAZINESS! Out of nowhere we are in the office negotiating prices. My dad is amazing at negotiating prices. He had my mom look up the car online and and give him their price. He pretty much told the manager that that was the price we wanted, and if they didn't want to make a deal then we weren't interested. I didn't think it was going to work. I mean we are talking a couple thousand dollars off the price, at least. BUT they did it!! WOOOT!
So now I have a red rental car and my red Element outside of my house, and my baby Trooper at the Isuzu dealership to be fixed.
So does anyone want to buy a '94 manual Isuzu Trooper? It's in great condition... the pooper who took it didn't scratch it or shred anything. HEY, calm down there! Don't break my door down! :)
So a very very happy Sunday to you all. Drink lots of water and have a nice banana.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Mi Coche!
I don't know what condition it is in, or if they found the beepers that took it, or if any of my stuff is in it. I am just wishin', hopin', thinkin', and prayin' that I will be able to drive it again. My mom got one of her stolen cars back and she said she couldn't drive it again. I hope that doesn't happen.
So while I am taking the SAT tomorrow my parents will be at the Norwalk sheriff station signing my car back! :) WOOT!!!
There will be an EDIT tomorrow because I know that I have left my readers on the edge of their seat, nibbling their fingers in suspense.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Maybe it is just me, but when I was a youngin' I celecrated Halloween for one reason and one reason ONLY. The candy. And more candy. I bet that the majority (the majority of the majority of the majority) "celebrate" Halloween because they enjoy dressing up like weird (sometimes slutty) people/things.
She also said that there were people out there that are praying right now that some harm would befall us. Now isn't that a cheerful thought. Now I get to spend my Halloween trick-or-treating with my brother and sister paranoid that some creepy person is going to sneak up behind me or them and snatch me/them away.
That's fun.
So instead I will simply be careful and say a prayer over my brother and sister's candy to de-witchitize it. Have a Happy Halloween! Watch The Nightmare Before Christmas or Hocus Pocus!

Monday, October 23, 2006
Saturday was a day filled with fun, laughter, volleyball, and tears. EARLY Sunday morning (Friday night if you want to be picky) was super fun because I went paintballing with some awesome friends. It was so much fun. And I got 8th!! (so much better than getting last place like kevin).
Then I had a volleyball tournament on Saturday so I was at school bright and early at 6:15 am. That was NOT fun and NOT something that I care to repeat thank you very much. I actually got there at 6:18 am got out of my car. I grabbed my iPod (very unusual) just in case I wanted a quick listen on the bus, locked my car, and got on the HUGE bus. Then our entire team waited for our late late late coach before calling him at 6:30 am. He told us to leave without him because he was running really late. This is not unusual so the bus driver reluctantly agreed to drive us up to Marlborough (over an hour away) with no adult on the bus.
Once we finally got to the tournament and got our coach the whole day was pretty fun. We dominated in pool play but lost in playoffs to a team that had five players over 6'. We could have beaten them but it feels better to know that they were giants. After that I have to hitch a ride back to school with Ashlyn because I forgot that the bus doesn't stay the whole day. So we drive back and cruise into the parking lot at around 6 pm. That's when I looked around and realized car was gone.
So we called the police and I started crying. And then I thought of all the stuff that I had in my car and I started bawling. Of course I waited until my mom was there and I demanded a hug from her. It was horrible. I just kept thinking of some strange person in my car, driving it around, getting his dirty hands all over everything that I own. Or owned. A list of what was in my car:
- Pink leopard print overnight bag. the cutest thing EVER
- facewash, toner, and lotion
- GOOD foundation
- favorite blush
- some makeup brushes
- my favorite jeans
- a very nice thing from victoria secret (dang it!!!)
- 2 expensive hardcover school books
- favorite pajamas
- other makeup (i dont want to list it off)
- necklace
- memories
and there was one other thing in there.
Tom's football jersey. Yep, when I remembered that... I'd really rather not say what happened when I remembered that. But I felt awful. Horrible, horrible, horrible. But I was also thankful. As my mom pointed out, I'm physically okay. My car wasn't taken from me at gunpoint. I wasn't in an accident of any kind. Nothing but material possessions had been taken. And she was (and is) completely right. I thank God so much that what was taken was only material possessions. My family, my friends, and I am still okay. Whew, that felt a lot better to think about.And now there is a rental car parked in front of my house, a silver Jeep Liberty.
This is a great song.
Better Is One Day
Matt Redman
How lovely is
Your dwelling placeO Lord Almighty
For my soul longs and even faints for You
For here my heart is satisfied
Within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
One thing I ask and I would seek
To see Your beauty
To find You in the place
Your glory dwells
My heart and flesh cry out
For You, the living God
Your spirit's water to my soul
I've tasted and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You
I will draw near to You
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
But if I think about the match too much I get slightly sad. So my strategy is to not think about it, to just let it pass. I don't just forget it. You have to learn from the past, but don't dwell on the past.
And my impatient phase is over. The previous post was a stupid stupid thing. Rereading it I realized I sounded like all the people I don't like who just want to dramatize everything, and I'm not that kind of a person. I'm a cool homeslice, yo.
Tomorrow is the aptitude testing, wooooo! Leaving school at 11:20am is AMAZING! And after school I am going to Sarah's with friends to decorate pretty shirts. How exciting, yes I know.
"White and Nerdy" by Weird Al is hilarious. I watch that music video SO MUCH!!!! It is super dee duper funny.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Patience is a virtue...
So that is pretty awesome.
But at the same time I have this whole conflicting situation. It's like a tedious thing.
Three years. Three whole years and now it happens. But the worst part is is that it isn't happening. Blah, blah, blah. Yes I know I'm being impatient. But the waiting and the wondering is the hardest part.
Patience. Yes, I wish I had it. Do I ever wish I had it. I can't wait until tomorrow. I want a hug!
Please don't feel obliged to comment. This was purely a thinking thing, just to get my obsessing out.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Study Hall with the Fang Mastah
There is pretty much a list of what I can't wait for. And what I want to happen.
- Ambassador announcements
- Harvest Festival
- Point Loma VB game
- The SAT (Nov. 4)
for it to be over
- For _____ to ___ that __ _____ me.
- Club season
- Grey's Anatomy
- College (kinda)
- Spirit Week!
Habits can be pretty hard to break. Right now I'm trying to stop procrastinating, go to bed earlier, eat just a little less junk food, actually do my hair once a week (or two). I will tell you, it is super hard. Especially on the days where I have school, practice from 3-5:30pm, and then an SAT class from 6-9pm. But it's getting better.
Carpe Diem.
I like hugs. Especially when the weather is like this. They make me happy. :)
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I think I might have found a college that is perfect for me, and funnily enough I didn't even want to go there in the beginning. Did God lead me there? Did God push my dad to take me to San Diego? I'd like to think He had something to do with it, and I think He really did.
Things are going pretty good right now and I'm afraid that one day it will just stop. But for now I am not going to forget about God during the good times. Even though things are going great for me... they aren't going great because I did everything by myself. God deserves all the glory.
So... YAY!
Have a great weekend all. :)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Giving Blood
It's 11:52 pm right NOW. And in some amount of hours (that I don't feel like calculating because I just found out that I did bad on my math test) many people, including me, will be giving blood. I'm super excited that I can give blood. I only have a couple of worries.
1. I will have low iron and will not be able to actually give blood. Bummer.
2. It's very unlikely, but I'm afraid I will faint, pass out, hit hard.
But apparently we get sandwhiches afterwards, yay!!! And Kevin better be right about that. Ya hear Kevin???
College applications are coming up. I have to find a SAT class to take online, or find one that only goes on weekends. I can't take a class on weekdays because I have volleyball, even though it feels like it is sucking the life out of me. Against St. Josephs on Thursday I RAN INTO A POLE trying to save a ball. And we still didn't win. It was close, but...
no win.
This post is turning negative.
But here's something funny. My dad just pried open our safe about 20 minutes ago. Yep. And it only took him about 5 minutes with an extremely large crow bar. What a safe, what a safe. I feel safe.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
There is some sort of fascination in the world with movies that have shootings, blood, and just plain scary stuff! Why would I EVER want to watch one of those movies? Everytime I see one, I get a little more freaked out of the world. Each time I see a movie like that it becomes a part of me. It really does. It does for all of us.
Give me a funny movie, a romance movie, an inspirational movie, a family movie, a disney movie, a ______ movie and I'll take it. Just exclude the scary movies. Except the dirty movies. Those can burn. :]
Some great and awesome movies:
You've Got Mail
Sleepless in Seattle
Remember the Titans
When Harry Met Sally
Stick It
Raising Helen
13 Going On 30
Legally Blonde
Austin Powers
Movies are great. But don't base your whole life around them.
Society needs to stop pushing the envelope farther and farther. Pretty soon our movies will be like those in 1984 and by then the world will be loving them. Pretty scary.
The girls of Stick It